Saturday, August 19, 2006

6 Months Old

On Thursday, Aidan turned the big 1/2 year(s) old. He is sitting in his chair that he associates food with. We told him about cake on birthdays, but didn't grasp only full years count for the cake rule. He was treated some very mushy pears that evening instead.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Rock 'n Roll Superstar

Aidan was catching some tunes the other day. . .

Chillin' Out

Aidan took a nap one morning while daddy got ready for work.

Aidan went to the doctor for his 4 month check up (at 6 months due to scheduling conflicts with the doctor) on Thursday and he is 27 inches long, and 17 1/2 pounds.

How did Mommy make this?

Aidan was having his first bits of rice cereal here. He really enjoys it made with Mommy's milk, but will eat it if is made with water.