Sunday, December 03, 2006

Guess what's new???

Well after several weeks of relatively no new news Thanksgiving came and Aidan decided to start showing off new tricks. Starting just before Thanksgiving, Aidan has now learned to sit himself up. This is now a simple task.

About a week after Thanksgiving Aidan has taken to crawling. His proficiency of this skill has been developing all week. While this skill is one that is reserved for only getting to things he is highly motivated to play with (keeping rolling to the items as the lazy way to get where he going), he is gradually moving more with the crawl and less with the roll.

He is also starting the cruising a bit as well. The newest trick is to stand on his own. This one is very very new, and he is very very novice at it, and it only happens for a couple of seconds at best.

Aidan also had his first meeting with (Grand)Father Christmas. The pictures turned out quite nice. When we see you in the coming weeks we will be very willing to share them with you, but you have to keep the identity of this Santa a secret.

Other things that have happened since Halloween: 2 new teeth (uppers), Dada was his first word, he has taken a strong liking to Sam the cat (Grandma Diane's kitty), and has gotten close to saying kitty (although mom and dad haven't witnessed this yet).

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