Today, Aidan, Mommy and Daddy went to Clark County's annual Dozer Days. It was quite the experience for Aidan. We all had to brave mid-90 degree heat in a big quarry, but that was only a minor obstacle for a boy who loves big trucks. We all started the event by riding in a dump truck to the main area where there were diggers, bulldozers, cranes, and other construction trucks that you could get in line and drive! This here is a picture of Aidan taking his turn in a bulldozer WITH caterpillar wheels!

They also had some non-construction trucks there as well. Aidan got to sit in a fire truck which was one of the major highlights of the day. As you can see driving a fire truck is NO JOKE! Aidan was also lucky enough to operate a garbage truck where he got to lift a garbage can and dump it in to the garbage truck. This was such an event that we had to end it with an ice cream cone on the way home. What a day!